East Kootenay Snowpacks 81% of average
Apr 12, 2023 | 1:58 PM
Wylie Henderson
Updated data from the BC River Forecast Centre shows the snowpack in the East Kootenay are lower than seasonal averages.
According to data, the East Kootenay snowpack is at 81% of average as of April 1, the local snowpack was measured at 89 percent in March.
The Province says a lower than average snowpack could be an indicator of drought in the summer.
The report says levels throughout BC are at 88% of average.
Find more data from the BC River Forecast Centre’s snow survey and water supply bulletin below:
Click here to view the report.
– Article includes data from BC River Forecast Centre
East Kootenay, BC, Canada
-14 °C Partly cloudy